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02/03/23Spring News At CI Optometrists

Do you feel as if it’s been a long winter? You are not alone. But the lighter evenings and warmer days are here and it already feels like Spring!

Spring is the time for new beginnings. Come into CI Optometrists and get a springtime boost.

You can benefit from a high quality eye examination with our new Optometrist, Pauline Robison. Pauline has over 20 years of experience. As well as looking after your eyes you she will be continuing her work at St Mary’s Eye Hospital where she specialises in glaucoma, cataract and macular degeneration. Pauline will work alongside Claudine and I to ensure there is always someone on hand when you need us.

Spring sunshine means it is time to check that you have the right sunglasses. This season’s new ranges have arrived and you can choose from the best of new Face a Face, Chanel, Tom Ford and Ray Ban. Almost all are suitable for your prescription, so you can protect your eyes, see well and look sharp.

Spring brings colour back into our lives after a drab winter. So come in and try a pair of exciting bright colour frames and discover amazing new shapes available from Lindberg, Face a Face, Woow, Tom Ford and Chanel.

Spring Clean time sees the whole inside of the practice being decorated while we also upgrade all our lighting with the latest energy-saving LEDs.

The CI Club is springing forward and gaining membership every month. You can join the practice for a small monthly payment (from £10 a month) which covers all routine and emergency eye care. You benefit from 20% off your glasses, sunglasses and other offers, including the chance to win prizes. Both winners of our first CI Club Christmas hamper draw have picked up their prizes and are enjoying their Montezuma’s chocolate and Ashling Park English Sparkling Wine.

From me and all the team at CI Optometrists I wish you a happy and healthy Spring and I look forward to seeing you in the practice soon.

All the best

Joseph (Optometrist and Owner)


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